Inspiration to improve

This TED talk was really inspiring (and fun) for me. The fact that a simple picture can give so much extra understanding and meaning is something that I very much can relate to. What I have noticed is that a picture needs some explanation, to help the audience find the path in the picture. It is clearly visible in the performance of Christoph Niemann that it is the combination of the two that really makes the magic. I hope you like the TED talk as much as I did, also below is a small video on how I create Vige.

TED Talk - You are fluent in this language (and don’t even know it)

Mistakes are easy to make, let's celebrate that

We often hear that you should be a learning organization but where does this learning take place? Learning is when you do things that you don’t fully master. It is here, on the boarder of your knowledge, right outside your safety zone, where you make mistakes. If you at that time acknowledge and reflect on your mistake it will turn into learning and you can start to form a new understanding. At the same time your safety zone will grow. If you on the other had shy away from the mistake no progress will be made. In an organization that helps each others to learn from the mistakes that is made the whole organization will benefit, this is a learning organization.
